Transformation Time  offers functional fitness training for those over the ages of 50, 60 and 70.

Exercise programs need to be more functional. People over 60 don’t need the same workouts as people who are 25 years old.  Because the Baby Boomer generation plans to stay young and vibrant, they need an exercise program that supports that plan. Fitness should be more about how it impacts every day life, health, well-being, longevity and functional ability.

Owner /Trainer Shawn Stevens holds a certificate as a Functional Aging Specialist.

What people have to say about Transformation Time Fitness:

“I want to thank Shawn Stevens for being my inspiration and motivation for working with a trainer at my age of 67 yrs.(that was four yrs ago). I will be 72 later this year. I have come a long way since then. I had never had the opportunity to participate in sports growing up or to even have gym classes since I attended parochial schools. It was Shawn who gave me the confidence to overcome my fear and to try boot camp and strength exercises. Previously, I had only been doing the treadmill for about a month. We started with the stability ball, dumbbells, and developing balance. I have advanced to banded pull ups, clapping or plyo push ups, planks, box jumps, etc. I have surprised myself as to what I have accomplished.The human body is so amazing! We have no idea what we ourselves are capable of doing until we have the courage to take the first step, get out of our comfort zone, and try something that is completely new and foreign to us.Thanks, again, Shawn, for opening that door for me and showing me the way to a new and exciting, challenging way to a new healthy lifestyle. I will be forever grateful to you!”      Donna S

“Shawn  always worked with me at my level. She never pushed me beyond what I was able to do. We worked at what I call the Goldilocks level. Not too easy, not too hard, at just the right level of challenge. She always demonstrated exercises before I did them, explained why we were doing them, what muscles were being used, and made sure I was positioned correctly so not to cause injury. I recommend Shawn to anyone in the Fenton area looking to improve their strength, balance, and endurance.” Cheryl B

“If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old. If it is completely flexible at 60, you are young.” Joseph Pilates

“We retire too early and we die too young, our prime of life should be in the 70’s and old age should not come until we are almost 100.” Joseph Pilates